Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Central Ms turtle Rescue (Florence MS) 501

hope the link works!!! someone let me know if it doesn't, I meant to post this a while back. but since today is Giving Tuesday, I decided to pull up the draft and post. I'll be back to add or rework in a bit.

I may add a few pix later, but the website speaks for itself.. RD and I work with these folks..

They apparently have gotten an Overwelming response. Turtles are rolling in. They even have a few endangered. They work closely with Wildlife Dept. Volunteers needed and supplies. Large Clean totes that can be made into big tanks especially.

I have the pleasure of hosting a few of the rescued, rehabbed turtles at my little broken down pond.

Will be an Interview on WJTV in a couple weeks.

 AND they will be on PBS (Mississippi Roads) sometime in 2018. The filming has been done.



The JR said...

They are doing good work. Glad to know that they are there to take care of these precious critters.

BTW, the link works.

My Mind's Eye said...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh a troop of traipsing turtles all in a row. WE love it!!!
Turtles caretakers...3 cheers!!
Hugs madi and mom