Thursday, January 21, 2021


 So i was surfing around about bait and pictures.. I ran across the PB lid screwed to a tree, plus I found a small jar of markdown PB yesterday.  I doubt it will last long before its ripped off the tree. I need to move the camera or get another,,was my plan. 


The JR said...

Deer or for squirrel? I'll have to look it up.

lol....I saw PB bait and thought mouse trap. We just had a major mouse house cleaning in our barn. Caught 30 something in traps. Guess what? They didn't like PB. We had to use cheese :)

trailrider731 said...

I tried it last year. Deer got the first. Then the raccoons found it. Jar gone gone. I found the jar a ways awsy..lots of teeth marks.
