Friday, January 1, 2021

1.1.21 cast iron..#1

 Ok, least of my worries, not even a worry really.. I overcooked my cornbread...mainly because I've always  been a bit intrigued with this favorite skillet my mother gave me probably 30 plus years ago.  

I've used it many times, its smaller than it appears in the picture. For some odd reason while the cornbread was cooking this morning,  I decided to look up the number meanings on skillets...ITS A #1...per the internet it could sell for 1000.00 dollars?

And if you ever find a spider skillet. An old one. Better grab it...8000.00?

Oh well. I love my cornbread extra crunchy..

PS. RD, ,do u see my favorite cutting board? 



The JR said...

We love cast iron. Have a ton of it. A lot of Griswold. Prices on the internet are all over the place on things.

Yes, I see the cutting board :)

I mush my cornbread up in the veggie juice anyway so it does not matter if it's crunchy.

Happy New Year.

trailrider731 said...

I like my cornbread crunchy for sure. I did look up the skillet numbers a while back and saw those collectibles. I use a small siton skillet was my mothers ONLY for cornbread. I usually cook it in the toaster oven as its small enough.
