Thursday, January 24, 2019


ADOPTED just before Katrina 2005,,,, my beloved Milamonster needed help crossing the Rainbow bridge, again, one of the hardest things to do,,,and so many there waiting for me???? 

so many pictures and memories,,, great dog, hard headed like many, but i think the mix of Labrador/Rhodesian Ridgeback was the thing.wouldn't change a thing, she pretty much got me through the Eleven long years of my son being away... we adopted her for him, and he was amazing with her for the time he had with her, They graduated Obedience school when she was around 5 months... enough for now,,,,, the tears make it hard to see what i am typing, so scuse the typos. almost 14 years ,,, never enough. so many more pictures,,, may have to add, more for myself. 

1 comment:

The JR said...

oh, no, no, no........... You know how much I hate to hear this.
I'm so sorry. We have a Ark full over the bridge waiting on us too.

Rest in Peace girl. I know you were loved very much and will be missed.