Sunday, June 24, 2018

glorifed dooropener

so,apparently, being retired means i get to let the cats in and out amillion times a day,
and take my old dog o ut several times too. i know she is really loving being in the AC this summer.she is really feeling her age. Heck i am feelingmine too. please forgive all the typos, 
i am determined to make this laptop work ,at least for a bit longer.


The JR said...

We are their slaves :)
Happy week!

good gosh, it's going to be a hot one.

My Mind's Eye said...

OOOOOO we can see the glow from the retired smiles here in NC.
I retired from NC State University and I had friends who had to go back the last day of the month if they retired before the end of the month.
What a purrty fluffy Torite you have
My retirement day was 4/1/11 NO FOOLING!!
Hugs Madi and mom