Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Garden/June 2017 post

Ok, I had to do a June post and because I am way behind on weeding my tomatoes and they aren't very visible due to way much rain, I decided to leave it at this. (My mind has been growing a lot of weeds lately) allergies more than likely...

And my favorite type of Birthday cake(DQ Icecream cake) for a special special person.


My Mind's Eye said...

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH WE LOVE THAT QUOTE AND OMCs my mom is a lover of all things Ice Cream. She and Dad always give each other a Bakin Robbin's Ice cream cake for their bdays. THE DQ cake is almost to beautiful to cut.

Mom says thank you for stopping by her purrsonal blog today
Hugs madi and Mom

The JR said...

I love the quote.

The cake looks really good. Been trying my best to get the gut off again. So hard to do. Told the hubby he'd better not make me a cake for my birthday this year.

Every year he says what kind of cake do you want. I say I don't want one. Then he makes one and said but I wanted one. He's been threatened with death and worse if he makes one this year.

I'm shure Josh loved his cake.

Have a great week.