Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Another beloved horse passed over 5/9/2017. This one was my sisters horse, but I was close to him also due to us leasing pasture/barn and stabling at the same places for years, until she finally bought a small place several years back. JAE will be missed, He was an odd character at times. My most favorite , a leopard Appaloosa and Jae were half brothers. JAE was 37 this year. I see Darby's nose made it into this picture also,,,, Darby is the one that passed on over just a few months ago, not near as old as JAE. He lived a good life I do believe.

1 comment:

The JR said...

Awwwwwwwww, I'm sorry. 37 OMG, he was an old guy. Sorry for y'all's loss. I know he will be greatly missed.