Saturday, October 3, 2009

Identification HELP????

hay People,,, oh yes, i'm still identfying myself too, but not at this post! LOL,,, A freind sent these fruits (?) to me, I'm not up on my fruits, so maybe someone can help? The green one is a beginner baby, the right is ripe? It apparently grows on a vine, and the ripe one is only 2 to 2 1/2 inches , looks like mini melons. I have not cut it open, just hate to do that , but i must to save some seeds I suppose. I have been told it is full of seeds, My friend says they sprouted up from a load of manure they had delivered for there garden spot. HELPPPP, its a very interesting bit of fruit!!

the best is yet to come!!!


Mary | Deep South Dish said...

Hi Neighbor! I'm down on the Gulf Coast.

Tootsie mentioned another Mississippian was on her post so thought I'd pop over and say hello! Unfortunately I have no idea on the melons though.

Susie said...

Well I have never seen such before. Very interesting.

Tootsie said...

neat! can't wait to see what they are....I have seen the little watermelon type thing around...

The JR said...

Some things are very hard to identify without the folage. Sorry have no clue.


Audrey at Barking Mad! said...

Did you ever figure out what they were?

I googled and I wonder if this is what your mystery fruit is?

trailrider731 said...

hay hay Audrey, I'm leaning towards passion fruit after my sister described the flower on the vine as similar to a maypop. She didn't bring part of the vine and I've not gotten around to cutting it open, I think I am going to go ahead and plant some of the seeds indoors and see what happens.

thanxxxxxxxxxx for the info,
the best is yet to come!!!